
Stubborn Dad

Stubborn Dad

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Chinese subtitle.

Title: Oh, Dad! / Stubborn Dad (Oyaji)

STARRING: Tamura Masakazu, Hirosue Ryoko, Oikawa Mitsuhiro, Okada Junichi

BRIEF SUMMARY:  A very funny family drama.  about an interesting dysfunctional family featuring a lot of talented people. father who is concerned about his family. Hirosue Ryoko plays a daughter who wants to get married because her friends are getting married, so father steps in. Another daughter who is pregnant. A son who for some reason starts hanging around a yamanba girl and so much more. Also, the son doesn't want to follow the father's footsteps into medical school and rather become a photographer. The Family is now officialy in war. and The dad has got his hands full! Highly entertaining !


劇   名﹕頑固老爹

劇   情﹕神崎完一(田村正和)55歲,開業內科醫生,與妻子美矢子(黑木瞳)、3個孩子共組一個5口之家,為了家庭努力工作的完一,非常重視家庭紀律。長女小百 合(水野美紀)是個乖巧的小學老師,到了適婚年齡卻一直沒有心儀的男友,次女小鈴(廣末涼子)是個對未來前途毫無打算的新新人類,背負著繼承父業重大責任的長男正(岡田准一)也是有一搭沒一搭的在補習班打混。
有一天晚餐鈴突然宣佈要閃電結婚,對象是東大畢業在大公司任職的國東博(及川光博),而平常對男人冷感的小百 合,竟然未婚懷孕;準備重考的正也開始向父母表明自己志不在此,這個看似家紀嚴律的家庭,彷彿歷經一場大地震般,將面臨最大的考驗。
一向風流倜黨的田村正和,這次不惜犧牲形象,將一般人眼中的臭老頭子演得入木三分,廣末涼子更脫下乖乖女的外衣,轉變成伶牙俐齒的刁鑽女;橫掃全台的V6大帥哥岡田准一也表現得可圈可點;加上擅長發揚日本女性 美的黑木瞳、水野美紀等豪華卡司,「頑固老爹」的戲劇張力絕對精彩可期!

演 員: 田村正和 黑木瞳 水野美紀 廣末涼子 岡田准一




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