
Yoisho No Otoko

Yoisho No Otoko

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Chinese subtitle.

Title: Yoisho No Otoko

STARRING: Inagaki Goro, Yada Akiko, Ichikawa Somegoro, Asano Yuko, Hatano Hiroko

BRIEF SUMMARY:  SMAP-man Goro Inagaki is back starring in his first full-fledged comedy series, "Yoisho no Otoko", as the most obsequious salaryman in Tokyo.

Yoisho suru is a contemporary verb phrase that conveys the same meaning as the more traditional goma-suri, or "apple polishing." Generally, it refers to the kind of corporate behavior that one has to demonstrate toward superiors in order to be promoted within the organization.

Kotaro Sakurai (Inagaki) has reached a supervisory sales position at the insurance company he works for faster than any of his peers, precisely because he has cultivated a "super power" for sucking up to his betters. Consequently, he is resented by these peers and not entirely trusted by his longtime girlfriend Naomi (Akiko Yada), who appreciates his innate kindness but feels uncomfortable with his need to please everyone all the time.

Things at the company have become complicated, however, with the arrival of a new sales division manager from a foreign company that is thinking of buying the ailing insurance firm. Makiko Ogata (Yuko Asano) has an MBA from a prominent American university and very little tolerance for traditional Japanese corporate culture.


劇   名﹕奮鬥的男人(馬屁精之男)

劇   情﹕想要升遷而善於拍上司的馬屁的櫻井孝太郎(稻桓吾郎 飾)因為拍德川部長的馬屁得知自己可能是課長的候補人選而暗自竊喜...。不料,隔天卻宣佈曙保險即將倒閉而被全球保險併購,面對即將上任的新部長緒方真紀子(淺野優子飾),孝太郎依舊以逢迎的態度面對。不過,自命清高的白石(市川染五郎 飾)卻慫恿大家罷工讓緒方無法升上董事...。頓時間,公司只剩下緒方、孝太郎跟孝太郎的女友尚美(矢田亞希子 飾).....而公司卻剛好接到岩森興業打來的電話....。

演 員: 稻桓吾郎 矢田亞希子 淺野優子 市川染五郎




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