
K-20 The Legend Of Mask DVD

K-20 The Legend Of Mask DVD

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/ Simplified Chinese/Japanese Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

* Traditional/ Simplified Chinese/Japanese Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 1 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen
  • Trailer (No Subtitles Available)
  • Promos (No Subtitles Available)

Title: K-20 Legend Of The Mask DVD

STARRING: Takeshi Kaneshiro, Hongo Kanata, Nakamura Toru, Matsu Takako

BRIEF SUMMARY:    In 1949. World War II has been avoided. The system of "nobility" established in the Meiji Era continues today, creating an extreme divide between the upper and lower classes. Ninety percent of the country's wealth is controlled by the upper members of society. Teito has been gripped by the emergence of a phantom thief who steals priceless objects from the rich. He is known as "The Fiend with Twenty Faces: or simply "K-20". The protagonist of the story is Heikichi Endo, a circus acrobat who is deceived by K-20 and set up to take the fall for the phantom thief. Using his incredible physical dexterity, Heikichi wages war against K-20. He fights alongside K-20's next wealthy target, Duchess Yoko Hashiba, and her husband-to-be, brilliant detective Kogoro Akechi. But what is the ultimate decision Heikichi has to make?



劇 名﹕ K-20: 怪人二十面相傳 DVD

劇 情﹕   改編自日本傳奇推理小說家江戶川亂步最膾炙人口、刺激懸疑的名偵探系列之『怪人二十面相傳』,自70年代出版迄今,不僅期間出現多個改編版本,估計全日本讀者更已超過一百萬人!這次日本東寶映畫與日本電視台NTV繼【死亡筆記本】Death Note系列獲得全球性票房成功後,再度投入鉅資以炫目特效和注入新意的鬥智劇本,並請來日本奧斯卡最大贏家【Always幸福的三丁目】幕後團隊監製,由國際級影星金城武領銜主演,搭配日本兩大人氣巨星松隆子與仲村徹,嶄新詮釋這段娛樂性超高的變臉魅影怪盜傳奇。【K-20怪人二十面相】在日本兵家必爭的耶檔跨年大檔推出後,不僅立刻勇奪本國影片票房冠軍,也獲得壓倒性的觀眾與媒體好評,更是金城武再創票房與事業新巔峰的動作冒險代表作。


遠藤平吉(金城武 飾)是個年輕但藝高人膽大的馬戲團員,他受到神秘紳士的邀請潛入財團千金羽柴葉子(松隆子 飾)與名偵探明智小五郎(仲村徹 飾)的訂婚儀式,完全沒料到自己已深陷怪人二十面相設下的圈套之中,被誤認為是K-20本尊的平吉為了洗刷冤屈,決定運用自己的智慧與在馬戲團習得的偽裝幻術與矯健身手,親自抓到怪人二十面相以證明清白,而因訂婚被破壞而感到被羞辱的名偵探小五郎,更是向被誤會為K-20的遠藤平吉下了挑戰書,誓死捉捕怪人二十面相到案。然而對這段貴族聯姻一直感到懷疑的大小姐葉子,卻在被K-20點名為下個目標的危機關鍵,與遠藤平吉產生了浪漫情愫,這段三角關係會令這場世紀大追捕更加撲朔迷離嗎?


演 員: 仲村徹 金城武 松隆子




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