
Freeter, Ie O Kau DVD English Subtitle

Freeter, Ie O Kau DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

*Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 3 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen

Title: Freeter, Ie O Kau DVD

STARRING: Ninomiya Kazunari, Karina, Igawa Haruka, Maruyama Ryuhei, Inoue Masahiro, Okamoto Rei, Yoko Wataru, Hyunri, Otomo Kohei, Washio Machiko, Mashima Hidekazu, Kojima Kazuya, Tanaka Sotaro, Yamamoto Ryuji, Shima Daisuke, Sakaguchi Ryoko, Takenaka Naoto, Asano Atsuko

BRIEF SUMMARY:  Take Seiji (Ninomiya Kazunari) is a 25-year-old freeter with no dreams, savings and is good-for-nothing. He had failed his entrance exams the first time and entered a third-rate university a year later. After graduation, he found work at a mid-size components company, but could not become accustomed to the corporate culture and left the company in three months. Reemployment did not go his way, so he took a part-time job for the time being. However, when interpersonal relationship become a little bit bothersome, he would immediately quit and move to another part-time job. As a result, he is always fighting with his father, Seiichi (Takenaka Naoto). He retreats into his own room because he hates seeing his father. Then one day, when he is both out of work and savings, he learns that his mother, Sumiko (Asano Atsuko), is suffering from depression, and is shocked. Harsh reality surges in … Is he to be the family’s breadwinner now? Thinking he is good-for-nothing and blaming himself for not being able to take care of even food expenses, Seiji takes up higher-paying part-time manual labour at a civil engineering site where he encounters the vivacious, cheerful Chiba Manami (Karina) and his superiors. At first, he has a bias against his job, regarding it only as a temporary position, and keeps his distance from the people at the work place. But his exchanges with his colleagues and Manami, who live for civil engineering, gradually deepen. In the midst of this he is reminded of the meaning of “life” and “work, and finds hope to revive his family


劇 名﹕飛特族買個DVD


劇 情﹕武誠治,在公司待了三個月,覺得上司太犯賤、為討一口飯吃處處拍上司馬屁的同事太卑賤、自己的才能沒被看見,在尚未找到下一份工作的情況下毅然決然辭職,尋找一個"能夠盡情發揮自己長才"的工作。然則拿不上檯面的履歷使他求職處處碰壁。在父親的壓力下他開始打工,當起所謂的飛特族。


「飛特族 買個家」最符合現代年輕人的態度。主角武誠治(二宮和也 飾)一個沒有錢,沒有夢想的打工族。讀完非常普通的大學進入公司不到三個月就辭職,之後一直找不到正式的工作,只好一直當打工族,但是打工的工作也是一直換來換去,沒有一個穩定。也因為沒有一個穩定的工作,在家裡常遭到父親誠一(竹中直人 飾)的責罵,他也覺得無所謂,因為還有他的母親壽美子(淺野溫子 飾)替他負擔。但由於母親承受外界的壓力過大,引發了憂鬱症。為了母親的誠治,只好先找到一個工地的臨時工作,讓自己能夠一邊賺錢一邊照顧母親。而在工地打工的這段期間,從原本他人的不看好,漸漸地改變自己的想法以及態度,逐漸地適應起工地的工作,也和工地的夥伴相處的非常融洽,特別是千葉真奈美(香里奈 飾)。

演 員: :二宮和也、香里奈  竹中直人  淺野溫子





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