You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Selectable Subtitles.
*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!
* Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.
* 3 Single Sided DVD Box Set
* Special Features: |
- Chapters Selection
- Widescreen
- EAN 9555499408628
Title: Kaito Tantei Yamaneko DVD
STARRING: Kamenashi Kazuya, Narimiya Hiroki, Hirose Suzu, Nanao, Kitamura Yukiya, Otsuka Nene, Sasaki Kuranosuke, Tsukaji Muga (guest star), Asari Yosuke (guest star), Nakamura Shizuka (guest star), Ichige Yoshie (guest star), Ikeuchi Hiroyuki, Kamio Yu (guest star), Sasano Takashi (guest star)
BRIEF SUMMARY: Yamaneko (Kamenashi Kazuya) stole 100 million yen and is hunted down by the police. But he laughs as he brilliantly escapes. All that is left behind is criminal evidence on a company that had stolen a large sum of money … … Is he the great thief of the century? Or on the side of justice? -Jdramaweblog
劇 名: 怪盗偵探山猫 DVD
介紹: 這部劇集是改編自日本小說家神永學的〈怪盜偵探山貓〉系列作,日本累積銷售破80萬冊
傳說中的怪盜「山貓」(龜梨和也 飾)總是能突破嚴密的保全系統,從賺不義之財的富者盜取大量的金錢,同時揭發被盜者的罪行或不公不義,因此被稱為現代羅賓漢、現代鼠小僧。
<勝村>(成宮寬貴 飾)是個雜誌社記者,最近靠著關於「山貓」的系列連載報導受到一些關注。勝村大學時代的學妹<霧島櫻>(菜菜緒 飾)是刑警,因為一次與父親同時出勤的案件中目睹父親的殉職並看見離開現場的「山貓」,從此對於逮捕「山貓」有著堅持。一天勝村的上司收到宣稱是霧島櫻的女人打來的電話,留下在KTV相見的約定,這個約定卻讓勝村和山貓自此結下不解之緣。在開始「山貓」的連載報導之前,勝村曾寫過關於用駭客手法同樣揭發不義之事而受到注目的天才駭客「魔王」的報導和追蹤,卻突然中斷連載-因為勝村掌握了魔王的身分,不願繼續報導而傷害到她-「魔王」其實是個女高中生<高杉真央>(廣瀨鈴 飾)!在「山貓」的半脅迫之下,勝村與山貓及他的夥伴們展開了合作?!究竟山貓在打什麼算盤呢?
演員: 龜梨和也 成宮寬貴、菜菜緒、廣瀨鈴、佐佐木藏之介、 中村靜香
The picture shows the actual item. What you see is what you get!!!