
Otatsukeya Jinpachi DVD English Subtitle

Otatsukeya Jinpachi DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

* Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 3 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen

Title: Otatsukeya Jinpachi DVD


STARRING:  Miyagawa Daisuke, Koizumi Kotaro, Shizu-chan, Arimura Kasumi, Hosokawa Shigeki, Takeda Kozo, Kato Cha, Ito Shuko

BRIEF SUMMARY: Osaka-born rickshaw man Kurumaya Jinpachi (Miyagawa Daisuke) ends up inheriting the “backdoor business” from the late head of his family (Kato Cha) when least expected. It is a business which helps people in need and punishes villians that the law cannot bring to justice. Jinpachi joins forces with the former doctor and host Iguchi Tatsuya (Koizumi Kotaro) and the brawny geisha Ponta (Shizu-chan) to help people






劇 名﹕除惡幫 陣八 DVD


劇 情﹕本劇的舞台為東京的淺草,宮川飾演的出生於大阪的人力車夫——第五代俥屋陣八(本名・緒方健二)秉承祖輩幫助遇難之人的傳統,繼承了祖上傳下來的“除惡幫”,旨在懲治那些無法通過法律進行製裁的惡人。 “南海Candies”的阿靜(即山崎靜代)飾演頑強的藝人胖太、演員小泉孝太郎飾演前研修醫現牛郎的井口達也,二人也加入到了除惡幫一同揚善除惡。



俥屋陣八 ( 宮川大輔.35 )

本名緒方健二,在大阪出生,武力值基本為 0 ,目前住在「餐廚時代屋」二樓。

五年前跟著祖父來到東京,繼承為「第五代陣八」三年後,才被知之陣八背後有神聖的副業叫「除惡幫」,「吾感正義之時,遂行任務,必受報酬 ... 除惡之方法,在於切斷其根源」,簡單講就是接受金錢報酬,幫助有困難的人。


胖太 ( 山崎靜代.32 )平常職業是藝伎,擅長三味線,出身京都,本身孔武有力,是拳擊高手。在「餐廚時代屋」時當客人時,聽見陣八的任務跟報酬,積極表露出想參予的意思。


井口達也 ( 小泉孝太郎.32 ),原外科醫生,因不明原因辭職後到牛郎俱樂部 Baron 工作。






演 員:  宮川大輔/ 小泉孝太郎/ 山崎靜代/ 加藤茶






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