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Kimi Ni Todoke The Movie DVD English Subtitle

Kimi Ni Todoke The Movie DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Simplified Chinese/Malay/English Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

*Simplified Chinese/Malay/English Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 1 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen

Title: Kimi Ni Todoke The Movie   DVD

STARRING: Haruma Miura, Mikako Tabe, Natsuna, Mirei Kiritani, Misako Renbutsu

BRIEF SUMMARY: Base on the the popular award-winning shojo comic by Shiina Karuho, the love story between two high school kids is on the big screen. Kuronuma Sawako (Tabe Mikako) is not a typical bullying victim: Despite her desire to make friends, she is ignored and feared by her classmates due to her resemblance to the famous Sadako from the Ring movies. However, Sawako changes when handsome classmate Kazehaya Shota (Miura Haruma) starts talking to her. Despite the few who still hold assumptions against her, Sawako begins to make new friends and talk to new people with Shota's help. Soon enough, a romance begins to develop between the unlikely pair…



劇 名﹕好想告訴你 電影版 DVD


劇 情﹕ 在日本發行數突破1000萬冊的稚名輕穗超人氣作品好想告訴你電影版.  黑沼爽子是個超級認真且有愛心的女高中生,心地善良的她以“一日一善”為自己的座右銘。偏偏爽子外表陰沉招人害怕,大家都不願接近她,給她起了個外號叫“貞子”,謠傳接近她就會倒霉。爽子非常顧慮他人的感受,又沒法好好表露自己的內心,在班中是個不容於集體的存在。和爽子相反,班上最受大家歡迎的是陽光開朗的男生風早,他對每個人都很和善。在開學典禮那天,爽子曾為風早指過路。風早察覺爽子一直暗暗在為班級做事,對她產生了興趣,而爽子也對待她毫無隔閡的風早有了好感…


演 員: 多部未華子  三浦春馬  蓮佛美沙子  桐谷美玲  夏菜  青山ハル  金井勇太  富田靖子  ARATA  勝村政信




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