
Japan The Unexplained DVD

Japan The Unexplained DVD

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama/Movie Box Set. Cantonese Languages with Traditional Chinese Selectable Subtitle.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

* Non Removable Traditional Chinese Subtitle

*1 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Widescreen
  • Scenes Selection

Title:  Japan The Unexplained DVD

STARRING: Spencer Leung, Yu Si Min, Chen Xiao Hua

BRIEF SUMMARY: A team of ghost hunter investigator from Hong Kong has arrived Japan to visit several well known hunted places such as Aokigahara reportedly the world’s second most popular suicide location, and Hachioji Castle the hunted castle built by Hojo Ujiteru in 1570's. While on each locatoins, they have encountered many unexplained situations such as hearing footsteps going up and down the stairs, seeing other people when the team is the only human on site.  Is this all just hoax or there is something going on in these places that keep people away....


劇 名﹕ 日本不思議手記  DVD

劇 情﹕ 無數駭人的奇幻傳聞,多宗匪夷所思的靈異事件,一直在日本流傳多時,且越傳越廣,越鬧越大!為了解種種事件的箇中真偽,〈怪談〉攝製隊深入日本各處人跡罕至之地,以血肉之驅感受發生在「無人地帶」的非一般「鬼」異奇情。此外,主持人梁思浩、余思敏和陳曉華更會邀請知名玄學家、道家師傅,一起探究一幕又一幕叫人膽顫心驚的「不思議經歷」!在本輯〈日本不思議手記〉中,〈怪談〉主持及攝製隊肩負著「香港第一所電視台」的使命,先帶領大家走進世界聞名的自殺聖地「青木原林海」,在迷霧重重的森林之中,到處搜索疑似自殺者遺物,望憑藉物件可與死者的靈體交感。但當走進森林,師傅的羅庚就完全失效,沒法指出正確的前進方向,時而天色也漸漸昏暗,他們會否就此迷失森林之中,無法安全離開呢?幾經辛酸,主持及攝製隊終於走出森林迷陣,繼續前往東京都內著名的靈異地帶「八王子城跡」,並試圖跟蹤古代武士靈體和以哀怨歌聲引出侍女鬼魂…及後,他們出走富士山附近一座荒廢多年的度假酒店,決意入內探秘,希望遇上傳聞中殉情自殺戀人鬼魂,惟進入酒店大堂時,他們被一台破舊的三腳古鋼琴所吸引,導演更說要即場試奏一曲,就在此時,鋼琴上蓋突然飛跌下來,且有人駭見室內大型屏風陳設,在無風吹拂的情況下不住地搖晃…隨後,他們在前往「怒川紅橋」的路途中,又再度交上霉運,車子因山泥傾瀉意外而受阻,各人只好提著燈徒步上橋,就在此刻,他們離奇發現橋上多了幾個不知明的人影,且在不斷地走動…走至「鈴林刑場」的時候,他們又在漆黑之中遇上幽冥藍火,莫非這是傳聞中的冤靈?

主持:梁思浩、余思敏、陳曉華 司徒法正師傳





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