
Tokyo Love Story DVD English Subtitle

Tokyo Love Story DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English/Malay Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

*Superior Picture Quality compare to VCD or VHS.

*Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English/Malay Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 3 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection

Title: Tokyo Love Story DVD

Cast: Suzuki Honami, Oda Yuuji, Raymore Narimi, Eguchi Yousuke, Sendou Akiho

Story: This perhaps is the most famous Japanese drama in the world. This love story about them. Rika(Honami) is very bright but selfish girl. She loves Kanji (Yuuji) and him too. Because of her characteristic, they will have alot of trouble on their love. Finally, they are...Also Starring Yousuke Eguchi. New kid in town finds love in a spunky coworker, But his old flame gets in the way. This is a must see classic and made Suzuki Honami a household name in Japan. Big hit in Asia among college kids and 20-somethings. It is a one of a most popular drama. Rika and Kanchi work together. Rika is outgoing type and loves Kanchi from the beginning. Kanchi is always wondering and twisted around by Rika. Rika wants him to love her and Kanchi once loves her but because they are too different they can't live along. Rika is too energetic but in fact she is always lonely.

Highly recommended.  Regarded as one of the best Japanese dramas of all time. It's the classic Japanese drama of all Japanese drama.  Don't miss it!


劇   名﹕東京愛情故事 DVD

演   員﹕鈴木保奈美 . 織田裕二 . 有森也實 . 江口洋介 . 千堂秋穗

劇   情﹕永尾完治(織田裕二飾演)從愛媛縣到東京就職,認識了新同事赤名莉香(鈴木保奈美飾演)。莉香開朗活潑的個性,化解了完治的不安。完治與三上健一(江口洋介飾演)、關口里美(有森也實飾演)是高中死黨,事隔五年終於在同學會相逢,而莉香也因緣際會插花出席。席間莉香發現完治喜歡里美,而里美又很在意三上,因此提議要幫完治牽紅線,但為完治所拒。日後完治等三人再次聚會,但途中完治受莉香所託,緊急將貨品送到春季商品展覽會場,兩人同心協力化解難關。會後完治邀莉香一起參加三人的聚會,沒想到卻在街上目睹三上跟里美親吻…






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