
Ryusei No Kizuna DVD English Subtitle

Ryusei No Kizuna DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English/Malay Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

*Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English/Malay Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 3 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen

Title: Ryusei No Kizuna (Meteor Bond) DVD

STARRING: Ninomiya Kazunari, Saito Ryusei, Nishikido Ryo, Kakazu Issei, Toda Erika, Kumada Sea

BRIEF SUMMARY: Based on the popular novel of the same name, Ryusei no Kizuna tells the story of three orphans, whose parents were murdered long ago. Together, the three vowed on a shooting star to one day avenge their parents. After many years, the two brothers have found the murderers, and are set to carry out their plan for vengeance when they realize they've made a serious miscalculation.


劇 名﹕ 流星之絆 DVD

劇 情﹕ 流星之絆』(日文:流星の絆;りゅうせいのきずな)、由日本男性作家・東野圭吾所寫的推理小説。本書於2006年9月16日號到2007年9月15日號於週刊現代連載、2008年3月5日在日本由講談社發行。內容是描述雙親遭到慘殺而背負著殘酷運命三個兄妹,在雙親逝世14年後向犯人復仇的作品。該作品也是東野圭吾的作品中,日本發行數量最快超越25萬本的作品。


演 員: 二宮 和也、錦戶 亮、戶田 惠梨香、要 潤、三浦友和




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