
Kokuhatsu - Kokusen Bengonin

Kokuhatsu - Kokusen Bengonin

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW,  ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama 2 DISC box set. Japanese Languages with Removable Traditional Chinese Subtitle.

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen

Title:  Kokuhatsu ~ Kokusen Bengonin

STARRING:  Tamura Masakazu, Maya Miki, Aibu Saki, Kondo Yoshimasa, Matsuo Toshinobu, Yamaguchi Tomomitsu, Hashizume Isao

BRIEF SUMMARY:  Lawyer Sawara (Tamura Masakazu) is a court-appointed attorney – a lawyer elected under a provision in the Constitution for defendants who are unable to request a lawyer due to financial and other reasons. Armed with the conviction to save the people who have committed crimes, Sawara fights for the truth. He takes no account of fees, makes no distinction between victims and defendants, and wishes for the happiness of those people. His relationship with his only daughter, Tsuruko (Aibu Saki), a member of an international medical team, has not been cordial ever since his wife was murdered as a result of his carelessness.



劇 名﹕ 告發 國選辯護人


劇 情﹕抱以信念揭發罪惡,懷以愛人之心拯救他人心靈田村正和傾力飾演,為了幫助軟弱的人,為了尋求細微的真相,持續戰鬥著的國選辯護人!為成年人打造的具有深度的電視劇,即將在這個冬天開播!著名演員田村正和時隔四年半再次參演連續劇,飾演為了拯救犯下罪惡的人,不停尋求細微真相的國選辯護人。他看似外表平靜,內藏熾熱之情。他無視報酬,直到找出真相為止不停追查黑暗。無論是被告原告,他都一律為其祈禱幸福。他堅強又軟弱,溫柔又嚴厲,田村傾力飾演的就是這樣一位既有人情味又有魅力的辯護人。支持著為了堅持正義而陷入困境的田村辯護人的是飾演其亡妻的妹妹的真矢美紀,飾演其女兒的相武紗季,飾演其部下的近藤芳正以及松尾敏伸,以及飾演其故友的能幹的律師橋爪功等均是實力派演員。還有各種迷惑田村飾演的國選辯護人的惡女。木村多江、釋由美子、原沙知繪、若村麻由美、國仲涼子、市原悅子,各個具有魅惑力的被告人隨著棘手案件的發生一一出現在田村的面前。

演 員: 田村正和 相武紗季 釋由美子  木村多江  原沙知繪  若村麻由美  國仲涼子  市原悅子





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