
Mama to Papa Ga Ikiru Riyu DVD English Subtitle

Mama to Papa Ga Ikiru Riyu DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

* Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 3 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen
  • EAN9555499408451

Title:  Mama to Papa ga Ikiru Riyu  DVD


STARRING: Fukiishi Kazue, Aoki Munetaka, Watanabe Konomi, Igarashi Hinata, Yamazaki Shigenori, Hakamada Yoshihiko, Fujii Mina, Tanaka Tetsushi, Asaka Mayumi, Duncan, Kunihiro Tomiyuki, Fubuki Jun


BRIEF SUMMARY:  Two years after the birth of her second child (Igarashi Hinata), 34-year-old Yoshioka Toko (Fukiishi Kazue) is diagnosed with breast cancer. Furthermore, surgery is not possible because she is terminally ill, but the doctor is not certain of her life expectancy. Toko vows that she will not let illness get the better of her for the sake of her son and daughter (Watanabe Konomi) and lives a positive life, but at times, she is tormented by a wave of fear and anxiety. A few days later, her husband Kenichi (Aoki Munetaka) is also notified that he has end-stage lung cancer. Despite the short time they have left to live, the Yoshiokas still have dreams. They do not forget humour and how to be a loving family.-jdramaweblog




劇 名: 媽媽和爸爸生存的理由  DVD


介紹: 原作是作者2012年罹患癌症開始,在博客上詳細描寫了與疾病鬥爭以及家人之間的點滴生活,在殘酷的狀況下仍不放棄生命,讓讀者大為感動。電視劇並不單單隻有母親的視角,同時也會加強父親和孩子的視角來講述這個故事。故事講述吉岡柊子(吹石一惠)患上乳癌,發現後告訴丈夫吉岡賢一(青木崇高),但對方同時告訴他自己也患上肺癌,二人都到了無法治好的末期狀態,面對兩個分別是6歲及2歲的孩子,在殘酷的狀況下互相支持成為最強夫婦,帶出家庭的愛。


演員: 吹石一恵  青木崇高   渡邉このみ   五十嵐陽向  田中哲司




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