
Otona Joshi DVD English Subtitle

Otona Joshi DVD English Subtitle

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

* Traditional/Simplified Chinese/English Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 3 Single Sided DVD Box Set



* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen
  • EAN9555499407881

Title: Otona Joshi  DVD


STARRING: Shinohara Ryoko, Eguchi Yosuke, Kichise Michiko, Suzuki Sawa, Tanihara Shosuke, Chiba Yudai, Ikeda Narushi, Hirayama Aya, Yoshizawa Ryo, Ichikawa Miwako, Horiguchi Hikaru, Higashi Kanako, Hirano Kinari, Yabe Masaki, Uragami Seishu, Saito Takumi, Hirayama Hiroyuki


 BRIEF SUMMARY:   Nakahara Aki (Shinohara Ryoko) and her good friends Osaki Moeko (Kichise Michiko) and Sakata Midori (Suzuki Sawa) are three 40-year-old women who “bring good luck to the men they are involved with, but cannot be happy themselves”. Although they get pushed around by useless men, they sometimes hurt each other’s feelings and encourage each other as they struggle to grasp happiness to make their dreams a reality.-jdramaweblog







劇 名:   熟女正青春 DVD


介紹: 40歲的單身白領中原亞紀(篠原涼子)在一家研發戀愛app的公司工作。與夢想出道的年下音樂人伸治和心愛的貓咪魚糕一起生活。雖然為人可靠,但由於對戀愛太過投入,亞紀總是抓不住幸福。在伸治面前也不敢吐露真言。亞紀可以無話不談的就只有兩位與她同歲的單身好友。很容易動感情追求過各式男人的花店老闆大崎萠子(吉瀨美智子)和離過一次婚獨立撫養三個兒子的坂田綠(鈴木砂羽)。私下裏三人經常開女子會毫無顧忌的暢所欲言。

所屬於mobile contents部門的亞紀和工藤美和(市川實和子)、立花紗織(平山綾)、前川亮介(吉澤亮)等年下的部下一起研發麵向40歲女性的戀愛app。因花花公子而聞名的社長栗田純一(谷原章介)也對這個企劃很是期待。



演員: 篠原涼子、江口洋介、吉瀨美智子、鈴木砂羽、谷原章介




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