
Katoh Ke E Irasshai - Nagoya Jo

Katoh Ke E Irasshai - Nagoya Jo

You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW,  ORIGINAL, STILL SEALED IN WRAP Japanese Drama 2 DISC box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional Chinese subtitle.

Title: Katoh Ke E Irasshai - Nagoya Jo  (Welcome To The Kato Family-  The Ladies From Nagoya)

STARRING: Reiko Suhoh, Miku Ishida

BRIEF SUMMARY:  Nagoya is the one of the major cities in Japan, it's famous not only for its first class 2005 World Fair, booming economy,  strong spending power, and classic cuisine, but, it's rich culture and history also have left impressive landmark around Japan.

Having said that, exactly what is like living in Nagoya? How to live in Nagoya? and most important of all how to act when you are in Nagoya? This drama will take you into a family of 15 living in a prominent neighborhood of Nagoya and by following this family, you will learn  step by step the ways of living and behaving in Nagoya.

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Living In Nagoya

劇 名﹕歡迎到加藤家- 名古屋的小姐們

劇 情﹕   熱門日劇!2005年,愛知縣舉辦了世界博覽會,名古屋引起了全國熱烈注意的名古屋風潮,這個就是名古屋最值得自豪的事,現在的名古屋,在經濟文化上引導著日本,處於先端的地位,名古屋就是日本的倫敦。那名古屋人到底是這么樣的呢?名古屋人的真實生活,這部電視劇,將把名古屋人最真實的一面公開[導演堤幸彦本身就是名古屋人],劇情本身頗有惡搞風格格,並且提及了很多名古屋的專有特產,名詞,習俗等等。喜歡名古屋的人,千萬不要錯過。

住在名古屋高級住宅區的加藤一家15口人﹐ 天天熱鬧的到不行﹐到底什麼是名古屋生活﹐什麼是名古屋人﹐就讓加藤一家來告訴你﹐如何當個正港本土味名古屋人吧﹖



 演 員: 重泉充香 石田未来 多田木亮祐 石河美幸 佐藤二朗 谷川功 広澤草  木村仁美



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